The 2025 Embedded Systems Engineer Bootcamp Bundle
What's Included

How to Become an Embedded Systems Engineer Bootcamp
- Experience level required: Beginner
- Access 134 lectures & 13 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
134 Lessons (13h)
Your First Program
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1_Introudction3:092 What is Embedded Systems2:453 What is an embedded Systems Engineer0:504 Core Skills of an Embedded Systems_Engineer4:205 Embedded Systems Engineering Degrees and Certificates2:177 Overivew and The software to be_used5:558 Compilation Process and Your First C_Project3:299 How to increase the font size in the Programming enviroment1:1910 Why C and Basic Program Structure2:4311_Variables3:1212 Statements and_Operators4:3913 LOOP Statements3:3214 Conditions if and switch5:1515 Numbering System5:1516 Using Functions5:0517 Using Operators4:2518 Digital inputs and Delay_loops4:1220 What is Ultiboard and Why you should use_it5:0621 Download and Install Multisim and Ultiboard6:3222 Multisim User Interface Explained15:4823 Drawing a Simple Schematic10:2924 Create your first PCB_Design19:0325 Create a Schematic for Arduino UNO_Shield15:2626 Create a PCB fpr Arduino UNO_Shield14:4927 Arduino Boards Templates for_Multisim4:1628 Multisim Templates for Custom Arduino Shields18:1729 Create PIC Microcontroller Breakout Board Schematic12:4730 Create PIC Microcontroller Breakout Board PCB13:3531 Led Controller Circuit Schematic and PCB_Design16:0833 download and_install4:2134 Basic Input and Output using Console_Methods9:5535 Create Your First App7:2936 Coding Your First App9:2737 String Args_Part17:5938 Syntax Basics5:4339 Data Types10:1040 Type Conversion8:0241_Operators14:0442 Operator Example7:3143 example my_age7:4944 Decision Making using If_statement4:4045_SwitchCase9:4046 While and do While_Loops11:3647 For Loop6:3048 If else and nested if statements9:4150 SolidWorks Components - Parts Asseblies Drawings2:3451 Lets Begin Starting SolidWorks5:2252 SolidWork Explorer Tab Explained4:2753 SolidWork Toolbars_Explained5:3354 SolidWork Exercise13:1655 Handfull Shortcuts2:3756 3D Views_Tab3:4972 Create a sketch for Arduino Mega7:5573 Creating the 3D Body for Arduino_Mega14:5874 Add Arduino Mega 3D_Model13:0475 Finishing the_Board12:0776_Introduction6:4077 STM32CubeMx MCU_Selector7:1178 Things You Must Know4:4279 Pinout Configuration8:5680 The World of STM1:4681 Key Features1:5382 Peripherals and Middleware configuration4:1783_Applications2:0184 NUCLEO Development_Boards6:3785 STM32 Development_Board7:2786 ARM Coretx M4 Architecture4:1987 Introduction to ARM World10:4188 ARM Cortex M4 Memory_Map2:5389 Introduction to ARM Coretx9:5390 What is_CMSIS5:2491 Configure Arduino IDE to Program STM32_Boards8:0492 Control Registers in STM3213:0093 Download and Install STM32CubeMx10:0994 Some of the GPIO Registers in_STM325:3295 STM32 ARM_Naming4:1496 STM32 Pinout4:3397 Uploading Your First Code_Part29:5998_Introduction4:5599 The Right_Location1:30100_Multimeter1:59101 Soldering Station3:25102 Soldering Accessories7:31103 Bench Power_Supply8:25104 An Oscilloscope3:32105 Wire Stripper3:46106 Needle-nose Pliers and Wire_Cutter2:30107 Hot Glue_Gun4:51108 Precision Screwdriver_Set3:15109_Tweezers1:20110 Rotary Tool and Accessories2:11111 3D Printer1:29112 Assortment Kits and Electronics_Components1:48113 Breadboards and Jumper Wires1:50114 Electronics Components2:06115 Varied Sensors and Modules1:01116 Arduino Starter_Kit1:10117 Cabinet organizer1:13118 How to Buy Electronic Lab Components From Amazon8:22119 22 How to Buy Electronic Lab Components From_Aliexpress8:52120 How to Buy Electronic Lab Components From Ebay7:18122 Course Contents4:46123 Things to Consider when Choosing Soldering_Irons6:52124 Soldering Accessories6:13125 Step One_Preperation6:31126 Step Two_Tinning3:11127 Step Three_Soldering1:44128 Cleaning Your Soldering Iron2:24129 Tips and_Tricks3:44130 Examples of Bad Soldering2:01131 Lets Try_Soldering4:36132 Important tip when soldering Electronic Componenets into PCB_Boards2:30133 Bonus Lecture Gifts Coupons and More16:47
How to Become an Embedded Systems Engineer Bootcamp
Ashraf Said AlMadhoun | Founder of Educational Engineering School
Meet Ashraf Said AlMadhoun, a passionate online instructor with a mission to inspire learners since 2007. Founder of Educational Engineering School, Ashraf offers courses on becoming the best version of yourself. Whether it's Embedded System development, building a 6-figure business, coding, circuit design, or launching a freelance career, his courses cover it all. With a background in Mechatronics Engineering and a love for life's experiences, Ashraf aims to guide you in realizing your potential, making money from your skills, and living your dream life.
Educational Engineering Team
The Educational Engineering team is a leading team in the microcontroller industry with over 13 years of experience in teaching and doing practical projects. They strive to put all their hands-on experience into these courses. They go into the depth of the topic and give the exact, step-by-step blueprint on how to tame simple as well as complex topics in easy and digestible bite-sized videos.
Embark on your journey to becoming an embedded systems engineer with this comprehensive online course!
Dive into the world of robots, PCBs, and C programming as this course will guide you through the essential chops, commissions, and career tracks of this dynamic field. Trace errors in your code effortlessly, mastering both hardware and software aspects through immersive lectures. Whether you're a beginner or aspiring expert, this course accelerates your learning curve, transforming you into a skilled embedded systems engineer in just a few months. From understanding the fundamentals to exploring advanced concepts, this course equips you with the knowledge and practical skills crucial for a successful career in embedded systems engineering
- Access 134 lectures & 13 hours of content 24/7
- Create your own user-friendly program
- Program in Embedded C
- Make PCB design & fabrication
- Learn C# fundamentals by coding
- Turn 2D sketches into 3D models
- Master 3D design
- Trace errors in your code easily & effectively
Important Details
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: desktop & mobile
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: beginner
- Updates included
- Certificate of Completion ONLY
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here
- Learn more about our Lifetime deals here!
- Any device with basic specifications

C Programming Basics for Microcontrollers & Embedded System

Embedded Systems Challenges: Things You Must Know
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.